
gray jujube Learn more about gray jujube

  • Why is there gray jujube? Five tips make it easy for you to tell the true from the false!

    Why is there gray jujube? Five tips make it easy for you to tell the true from the false!

    Grey jujube, also known as Xinzheng gray jujube, because the surface is gray, looks like hanging a layer of frost, sweeter than red jujube, and nuclear small meat, so it is very popular with people, then why gray jujube? How can you tell the true from the false? Introduction of gray jujube: 1. What is grey jujube

    2020-11-09 Grey jujube why there are gray five tricks small skills make you easy
  • When does the fresh gray jujube mature? When will it go on sale? When will it be picked?

    When does the fresh gray jujube mature? When will it go on sale? When will it be picked?

    Grey jujube is a kind of jujube, its surface looks like a layer of frost, so it is called gray jujube, generally mature in late September, but in Ruoqiang, it is generally picked uniformly, when is the fresh gray jujube ripe? When will it go on sale? When will it be picked?

    2020-11-09 Fresh gray jujube a few months mature when on the market picking
  • Introduction of red jujube varieties with good planting prospects

    Introduction of red jujube varieties with good planting prospects

    We must be no stranger to red jujube, it is a very good health drupe, especially in tonifying deficiency and replenishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the mind, which contains triterpenes which can inhibit cancer. Now it is very popular with consumers in the market.

    2020-11-27 Planting prospect good red jujube variety introduction for red jujube
  • What are the damage characteristics and living habits of jujube leaf tick

    What are the damage characteristics and living habits of jujube leaf tick

    Jujube leaf tick is commonly known as gray leaf disease, fog disease, fire dragon and so on. It uses adults and nymphs to harm jujube leaves, flowers and fruits. The injured leaves are gray and white, the mesophyll thickens and becomes brittle, when the leaf epidermis is necrotic, the photosynthetic capacity is lost, the leaves curl and fall easily, and the calyx can not bloom after being killed. The jujube leaf tick occurs for more than three generations a year, overwintering as adults or nymphs in jujube bud scales. The insect has three damage peaks in a year, that is, the end of April, the end of June and the middle of July, each lasting 10-15 days. Beginning in early August

  • Life habits and control methods of jujube bud weevil

    Life habits and control methods of jujube bud weevil

    Jujube bud weevil belongs to Coleoptera, family Cerambycidae. Occurred in Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning and other jujube famous owners for harmful jujube, apple, pear and other fruit trees. Jujube bud weevil unearthed in early spring, the first harm to the tender buds of Zaozhuang, is the earliest pest on Zaozhuang trees, when the insect population density is high, it can eat up jujube leaves, resulting in secondary sprouting, resulting in reduced yield or no harvest. The adult is dark gray or khaki, the head is black, the two sheath wings are curved, the length is twice as wide and the ventral side is silver-gray. Egg milky white, later brown, long oval

  • Jujube gall mite

    Jujube gall mite

    Also known as jujube mite, jujube tick, jujube ash leaf. The insect is distributed in Dongzao jujube producing areas in Shandong Province and has become one of the main pests on jujube trees. After the jujube tree was killed, the leaves were curled, the leaves were gray, the fallen flowers and fruits were heavy, and then the leaves fell, resulting in secondary sprouting leaves; there were spots on the fruit surface, resulting in a substantial reduction in yield and a decline in quality. The generation of the insect varies according to its geographical location. About 10 generations a year in Zaozhuang area of Shandong Province, adult mites and nymphs overwintered in jujube scales or jujube branch bark seams, with many generations and rapid reproduction. High mortality rate, strong resistance, rapid spread, score

  • Shanxi famous jujube: Junzao

    Shanxi famous jujube: Junzao

    The botanical characteristics of the tree crown are mostly round head-shaped, semi-open, dry, strong and tall. The trunk is grayish brown, the skin is longitudinally cracked, the crack is shallow, and it is easy to peel off. The head branch of jujube is brown-red, with an annual growth of 34ml cm. Internode microcurvature, lenticels protruding, medium to large, gray-white. Jujube stock hypertrophy, black-gray, long conical. Usually draw raw jujube to hang 5, hang 12-21 cm long, bear fruit more parts of 6-l0 node. The number of flowers is medium-dense, each inflorescence has 1-7 single flowers. Jujube hanging Ye 9 Mui Mui 1

  • Junzao, a famous jujube in Shanxi

    Junzao, a famous jujube in Shanxi

    The botanical characteristics of the tree crown are mostly round head-shaped, semi-open, dry, strong and tall. The trunk is grayish brown, the skin is longitudinally cracked, the crack is shallow, and it is easy to peel off. The head branch of jujube is brown-red, with an annual growth of 34ml cm. Internode microcurvature, lenticels protruding, medium to large, gray-white. Jujube stock hypertrophy, black-gray, long conical. Usually draw raw jujube to hang 5, hang 12-21 cm long, bear fruit more parts of 6-l0 node. The number of flowers is medium-dense, each inflorescence has 1-7 single flowers. Jujube hanging has 14 leaves, 9Mui, leaves.

  • Control of Psilocycterus sp. on Jujube Trees

    Control of Psilocycterus sp. on Jujube Trees

    Jujube trees are generally more common in the north, but rare in the south. For friends who grow jujube trees, the most feared thing is the erosion of pests. Once jujube trees are eroded by pests, not only will the yield decrease, but the fruits will be bitten by insects. More serious, they will also

    2020-11-08 species jujube rust gall mite of control general in north
  • When will Xinjiang jujube mature

    When will Xinjiang jujube mature

    Xinjiang jujube matures from mid-July to September, so fresh dates will be on the market in large quantities in mid-September, while dried dates will not mature until late October. Xinjiang jujube selection should pay attention to the following points: 1, the fruit is full, wrinkles are shallow, squeeze Xinjiang jujube will feel

    2020-11-09 Xinjiang jujube when mature in July
  • The difference between black jujube and red jujube

    The difference between black jujube and red jujube

    The difference between black jujube and red jujube

  • Species and Control measures of Jujube pests in Shenmu City

    Species and Control measures of Jujube pests in Shenmu City

    Species and control measures of jujube pests in Shenmu City 1 main pest species and damage 1.1 Jujube flying weevil, also known as bud-eating weevil, small gray weevil, Coleoptera weevil. In the jujube area along Shenmu, jujube flying elephant appears most in the annual growth cycle of jujube tree.

  • Longzao jujube, a vigorous winter ornamental plant.

    Longzao jujube, a vigorous winter ornamental plant.

    Longzao jujube, also known as Longxu jujube, Longyou jujube, jujube, is named because of twisted branches and shaped like dragon claws. It is a peculiar ornamental variety in the jujube family. It has beautiful trees, whirling green leaves in summer and beautiful red fruits in autumn, especially the twisted branches after falling leaves in winter, which is unique among all kinds of ornamental flowers and trees. Longzao jujube can be planted in parks, squares, courtyards or residential areas, can also be potted to watch or make bonsai, but also can take its vigorous potential, as an auxiliary material for flower arrangement and flower art. Dragon claw

  • Harvest of jujube fruit

    Harvest of jujube fruit

    The suitable harvest time is determined according to different varieties, edible purposes and processing methods. The harvest of different varieties: Jin jujube, Xiangzao jujube, pear jujube and winter jujube, which are mainly eaten raw, are mostly harvested in the brittle ripe period. The fruit of this period has bright color, high sugar content, sweet and sour, crisp, tender and juicy, and good flavor, which can fully show the characteristics of fresh food varieties. If the harvest is too early, the skin color is green, the flesh is hard, the juice is less, and the palatability is poor; if the harvest is too late, the pulp loses water and becomes soft, the pericarp thickens and loses fresh flavor. Dried varieties, such as gray jujube, Jixin jujube, golden jujube, etc.

  • When does Xinjiang red jujube go on the market? How much half a kilo? What is the effect?

    When does Xinjiang red jujube go on the market? How much half a kilo? What is the effect?

    Xinjiang jujube refers to the jujube growing in Xinjiang, China. And jujube, also known as red jujube, dried jujube, jujube, originated in China, so when is it usually listed? How much can I buy per jin? What is the effect and effect? From Li, a jujube grower in Hetian, Xinjiang

    2020-11-09 Xinjiang big red jujube general what month listed more less money one jin
  • Control of jujube gall midge, a pest of jujube trees

    Control of jujube gall midge, a pest of jujube trees

    Jujube gall midge (Contariniasp.) (1) alias and taxonomic status jujube bud maggot, curly leaf maggot, jujube maggot, belonging to Diptera, gall mosquito family. (2) the insect is distributed in all jujube areas in China, and the damage is the most serious in Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei and Shaanxi.

    2020-11-08 Species jujube tree pest jujube gall midge control
  • How to distinguish dates made from sulfur fumigation? Just three steps, one look, two peels, three tastes.

    How to distinguish dates made from sulfur fumigation? Just three steps, one look, two peels, three tastes.

    Abstract: how to distinguish dates made from sulfur fumigation? At present, Xinzheng jujube and Shanxi jujube have been picked, and the jujube in southern Xinjiang has also entered the harvest period.

  • Morphological characteristics and harmfulness of jujube bark moth

    Morphological characteristics and harmfulness of jujube bark moth

    Jujube bark moth belongs to Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera. Also known as truncated bugs. The adult is 18-22 mm long, with white head, gray-white chest and abdomen, filiform antennae, 6 blue spots on the chest and back, 2 rows in the vertical row, irregular blue spots on the forewings, narrow stripes of black and blue in front of the sub-middle fold of the hindwing, and deep spots on the edge of the wings. There are three black longitudinal spots on the back of each segment of the abdomen, and there is a round spot on each side. Ovoid, light yellow in the first birth, densely reticulated. The larva is 30-40 mm long, the head is yellowish brown, the carcass is purplish red, and the forechest

  • Banzao, the four famous dates in Shanxi

    Banzao, the four famous dates in Shanxi

    The distribution is cultivated in Taoliang, Yao Village, Nanyang, Dongtuan, Xituan and Xiangfen counties in Jishan County. Botanical characteristics: the crown is round, the tree posture is open, the dryness is weak, the tree is moderate, and the tree body is large. The trunk is grayish brown, the skin is cracked vertically and horizontally, cracked money, easy to peel off. Jujube head branch brownish red, annual growth of 35ml 75cm, micro-curvature between books, lenticels in large and medium, gray-white. Date strands grayish brown, conical or long conical. There are usually 9 raw jujube hangers, and the length of the hangers is 19.5 cm.

  • Jujube gall midge

    Jujube gall midge

    Distribution and host this insect belongs to the order Pteroptera, Culicidae. Distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan and other jujube producing areas. The hosts are jujube tree and wild jujube tree. The harm and symptoms are that the larvae suck the juice of jujube or sour jujube buds and leaves and stimulate the mesophyll tissue to make the injured leaves roll longitudinally to the leaf surface. The injured site changed from green to purplish red, hard and brittle, soon blackened and withered, and there were often several heads and even larvae in a roll of leaves. Morphological characteristics 1. The adult female is 1.4mm to 2.0mm long; the compound eye is black, reniform; touching.
